Confused about versions
Mark Berry
Thanks for this tool. I wanted to download the latest version but I'm confused. Is the compiled version "better" or preferred over the batch script? Why? Which one is most current? says it's "recommended" over the script and refers to for the download, which says that version is deprecated and moved to @wureset-tools. But I don't see a repository for the compiled version at @wureset-tools. Also the "see more" link at is 404 because it refers to @wureset-tools.
Manuel Gil @imgildev
Hi Mark,
The current compiled version is still in "ManuelGil/Reset-Windows-Update-Tool/releases". I am privately working on the repository of a new version that will be available at @wureset-tools. However, I am noticing that the development time for this new version is taking longer than expected, so I am asking for your patience.
I am looking for support to reduce the development time, but at the moment I don't have a concrete date for the release of this new version.
As soon as I have an official release date I will announce it through this platform.
Mark Berry
Manuel Gil @imgildev Thank you. I appreciate your efforts!